Monday, March 21, 2011

Jordan Hall

Over vacation I tried talking with my family about my heritage. I found a lot out about my mom's side of the family. My great-grandfather's (Pa) grandparents came from Czechoslovakia. When they first came to Boston their last name was Kozeluh. However, both of my Pa's parents were born in Boston. Before Pa's father got married, he changed his last name from Kozeluh to Costello to sound more Irish because of living in the South End of Boston. My great-grandfather was both in Boston in 1914. My great-grandmother (Nana) was born in Boston in 1913, though her father was born in Nova Scotia. My grandmother was born in Boston in 1942. She passed away on June 5, 2009 so not much more information was able to be found. As for my mother's father Charlie, his grandparents came to Boston in the 1800's in steerage from Ireland, which is by boat to flee to potato famine. Charlie's father was born in Boston in 1884, and was as his mother who was Irish as well. Charlie was then born in Boston in 1940. 


As for my father's side of the family, nothing is really known because both of his parents and all of his grandparents are deceased. None of my dad's sisters knew anything either. We just know they were French Canadian and English.


  1. I found this blog very interesting because Ellis island didn't change this families name, but they changed their own. I wonder if people believed that they were Irish because of the last name switch. I also wonder how differently they would have been treated if they kept their original Czechoslovakian name.

  2. I found it interesting to read about why her family changed their last name to sound more Irish to fit in more in the South End of Boston

  3. Crazy how your family had to change their last names just to fit in. I thought that was really interesting when I heard my relatives had to do that as well!

  4. I also thought it was really cool how your father's family had to change their last name just because of where they were living.

  5. I think it's unique so much of both sides of your family came from Boston and that you still remain there today.

  6. I found it interesting how your ancestors on your father's side were French Canadian. After all Canada is arguably the greatest country in the world.

  7. I thought it was interesting how your family changed the last name to fit in better. It seems that for some reason or another many people's name changed when the immigrated to America.

  8. I find it compelling how most families decided to change thier last names when immigrating to the States. Most of the names are a major change, it must have been so people from outside their culture could say it or maybe it was because they wanted a complete new start. I often wonder what the reasons are sometimes.

  9. Like a lot of the people before me I found it very interesting that your family changed its last name to fit in better. I feel like there are many stories of people's last names being changed at Ellis Island because the workers did not know how to spell it but ive never heard of someone changing it to fit in better. It makes a lot of sense though!
