Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Samantha Sproul

I am a mix of many different heritages. From my father’s side I am English, Scottish, and Irish. On my father’s side, family began to migrate over here way back. In 1620 three of my ancestors from England came over on the Mayflower, so my family has been over in the United States ever since then. When they came over, many of them settled in the Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts area. I have many ancestors that fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. Many of my early ancestors were captured and killed by the Indians.  Some were also driven out of the towns for having a drinking problem.

From my mother’s side I am Polish, and Russian. Both of her grandparents (my great grandparents) came over from Poland or Russia. My great grandmother lived to be either 105 or 106. Her exact age was never known because they had to change it for paperwork when she came over here. My great grandparents settled in the Bronx and in Brooklyn when they arrived over here.


  1. I found it really interesting and amazing how early back she was able to give information on her ancestors! That's crazy that some of them came over on the mayflower!

  2. Most people on these blogs have talked about their families coming over in the early 1900s. It is so cool that she can trace her family all the way back to the Mayflower. That is such a historic thing to be able to say you're a part of.

  3. I thought it was pretty interesting to find out how long one of her ancestor was able to live

  4. Very interesting that you can trace your family back so far. Most people cannot so it's really unique!

  5. It is amazing your family has been here for so long and has contributed to so much of America's history by being on the Mayflower and fighting in the various wars.

  6. I found it interesting how your ancestors came over to america and the tragic events they faced with the indians

  7. Age seems to be a theme in this entry. On one side it was truly remarkable how far back you went, and then it was pretty cool how old your great grandma was.

  8. I found the fact about your grandmothers unknown age to be very interesting, knowing that back in history, the paperwork for immigrants was never really accurate. Also, I think its really cool that you had three ancestors come over on the Mayflower.

  9. Its really interesting how her family came to the North east when they immigrated and today they still reside in this general region.

  10. I also found it interesting that your great grandmother's paperwork was lost in the transition over to the Americas. Not only was she leaving her country of origin behind, but unfortunately left her exact date of birth too. That would bother me immensely not knowing exactly how old she lived to be, especially all the stories and history that she acquired but never had the time to write down or tell.

  11. It's very interesting that you can trace your family all the way back to the mayflower! its seems as though your family was a part of many historical events and really contributed to our history. It's also amazing your great-grandmother lived to be so old!

  12. I think its so interesting how far back you can trace your family and that you know so much about them even though it was so far back! I also found it interesting that your grandmother was not sure about her actual age. I feel like many immigrants had stories similar to that where dates and names were inaccurately recorded.
