Monday, March 21, 2011

Laura Savage

My Dad’s side of the family is 100% Irish, while my Mom’s side of the family is a mix of German, Scottish, and English. Not much is known about my Dad’s side of the family because his father was adopted, but we know they came over from Ireland, probably during the potato famine in the 1840’s. My Mom’s side of the family (the Stahr branch) descends from Germany, Scotland and England even from the mayflower.

John Samuel Stahr - Germany

John Samuel Stahr came to the U.S. on the “Francis & Elizabeth”, from the Rhine Palatinate in Germany. In 1742 he settled in eastern Pennsylvania, where the Germans were called Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch. He probably sought religious freedom and opportunity. We know that three generations later, his great grandson, Isaac Stahr (my great, great, great grandfather), was the minister of the Reformed (Protestant) church in Oley, P.A. He served a congregation in the town and in the countryside, traveling to and fro by horse-drawn carriage or sleigh.

Ephraim Stockwell Branch - Scotland & England

William Stockwell was born in Scotland in 1650 and immigrated to the United States as a young man.

William Lambert came to England on the “Susan & Ellen in 1635.

Ephraim’s grandson, Cyrus Stockwell, was a hotel owner in New Brusnwick.

Ephreim’s great grandson, Stephen Stockwell, was editor of a newspaper in Boston called the Boston Journal. He lived on Prospect Hill. There is still a stockerll Street in Boston where he lived.

Nathaniel Webb Branch – England – Mayflower

Nathaniel Webb’s ancestors trace back to Priscilla & John Alden on the Mayflower, 11generations back from me.

John Sheffler (Sifrar) Branch – Slovenia

John Sifrar came to America through Ellis Island in 1904, changing his name to Sheffler. He settled in Pittsburg, PA, in a Slovenian neighborhood. He met his wife, who was also from Slovenia, in America. They raised seven children and were Catholic. John went to work for the Union Pacific railroad, as a mechanic.

                              This is a picture of the Sheffler family who came over from Slovenia

This is a picture of my Grandfather Henry Stahr and his parents

This is a poster that was made by John Sheffler to show his Slovenian pride


  1. It is so amazing how she incorporated real pictures of her relatives in this blog!!

  2. I thought it was very nice to see real pictures in her presentation because it can be very hard to find those in contact these days

  3. The pictures were really cool! It's nice to actually see the real pictures.

  4. It was amazing the details you knew about each part of your mother's heritage and it was nice to include every part. Your pictures were wonderful because they put a face to all the names you were talking about.

  5. The pictures were cool, but I really liked how you profiled many different people, and gave short little bios on them.

  6. I think its very interesting that there is still a street named in Prospect Hill in Boston where Stephen Stockwell lived. I also agree with everyone that it's cool you had the pictures from this because not many people have stuff like that saved.

  7. I found the fact that Laura had ancestors from the Mayflower so intreging! We talk about it year after year about the pilgrams but never have I ever heard that someone has ACTUALLY had ancestors from then! 11 generations ago too! Wow thats awesome!

  8. I also liked the separation of each family member and the pictures that accompanied them. Though cliche, "a picture is worth a thousand words" really applies here. You can learn so much from the person themselves as well as the differences between the clothing styles of today and the past.

  9. I found it cool that your family changed their last name when coming to America because my family did as well. Also, its very interesting to see pictures of the family incorporated into the presentation!
